Fashion and Shaq

This shorter episode covers the origins of the Gentleman of Leisure, (5:30) Fashion choices and how we get comfortable with what we decide to wear, and a listener email (33:20) about who could beat up Shaq in his prime. Subscribe. Review. Email, Telepathic Subscribe.




When you know people will be looking at you, what do you choose to wear?

Force Majeure & Forced Climaxes

A discussion of Force Majeure: gender roles and the communication in relationships
42:15 Screaming into the abyss
47:10 Listener email: could you cum in 2 minutes to save your life?

Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 10.52.10 PM

The Jerk Store: Life Stories

0:00 Cold open and subway stories. 12:00 Listener mail, finding your fly down. 24:18 Academic Anxiety and missed exams, 44:45: Concert Experiences, 1:01:18: Bad High Experience, 1:14:10 Group make-up-a-story game.

Asian massage, anyone?

Pizza Break (for Steve Reeves)

The jester, the ranter and the curmudgeon get through several emails, address the Ashley Madison IPO and reasons to invest, discuss what a good mens bathroom looks like, and a new segment called Dad Stories relays the story of bodybuilder Steve Reeves through the eyes of Gods Dad.

Steve Reeves as Hercules

Steve Reeves as Hercules

Episode 12: The Ideal Thing

We address our first batch of listener mail, Disney World rides, what annoyed us on the internet this week, the effects of technology on socializing, Kevin Spacey in Call of Duty, and the next big thing to revolutionize the culture.

Link to the discussed Look Up Video: